Ready to find the place where you belong?
learn more about your path of career development in Israel
Where we live influences our day-to-day routine, in both our personal and professional lives. Maslool offers participants the chance to choose their own accommodation, whether in a city, kibbutz, or hostel. The program’s price corresponds to the choice you make.

Maslool’s programs are designed to facilitate career development for young people. Participants are matched to internships or volunteering placements according to their interests and professional aspirations. These placements fit the time frame chosen by the participants.
Language skills are undoubtedly an important part of CV-building and personal growth. Israel is a multicultural country where a variety of languages are spoken, but Hebrew is the most important in any workplace. In order to make the most of work placements, participants must take a Hebrew course to improve their language skills. We do not restrict participants to a particular Ulpan, and encourage participants to enroll in whichever Ulpan best suits their learning style, schedule, and budget.

Developing professional skills can be achieved in a variety of ways, and so we encourage participants to take professional and academic courses during their Maslool program. Thanks to our experienced and skilled enrolment team, these courses can be scheduled to fit with your internships or ulpan. Our key word is ‘flexibility’, and so we offer a wide variety of courses to suit each participant’s interests.
We at Maslool work with a participants of different ages from all four corners of the world. This makes creating a community difficult – but it’s possible! Maslool programs offer monthly trips and cultural events, so that each and every participant can experience a minimum of four such events during the course of their time with us. Maslool counselors provide logistical and social support for the participants, creating a genuine community experience aimed at making your time in Israel as pleasant as possible.

Masa's Product development Department manages all existing programs and develops new programs to meet the constantly changing needs and interests of young Jewish communities around the world.
Masa Career offers opportunities to the talented Jewish college students and graduates, placing them in internships and paying job opportunities with leading Israeli companies and government organizations. These career development programs, 4-10 months in length, offer Fellows the rare opportunity to gain international on-the-job experience
Being part of the Masa ecosystem, via your participation on a Maslool program, includes: logistical financial support; placement advisors; quality assurance; 24/7 counselor staffing; security staffing and support; Immersive educational framework; cultural events; & special tracks (business, leadership, and media.)
Since its founding in 2004 by the Prime Minister's Office of the Government of Israel, together with The Jewish Agency for Israel, over 120,000 young people from more than 60 countries have participated in Masa Israel programs.

Ready for your own amazing Israel jouney?
Want to learn more about your path of career development in Israel?
For more details and a free consultation please leave your details, and one of our program coordinators will contact you shortly.